Page 17 - CCCA Magazine Fall 2018
P. 17

{ fEAturE }

lisa Culbert life

Counsel, legal Solutions at Vision Critical

and country air. To dip my toes and hands into a pond, ocean
or sea. To simply slow down and discover I can do more in
less time, and do more of what mattered in most cases, while re-design
letting the rest go and giving myself the chance to relax, renew
and just be.
Your Practice
Goal Achieved

The external shift of travelling the world provided the push to (with or without traveling the world)
pursue an expanded pie featuring a bigger slice of life, but it
was the internal shifts I experienced that actually allowed me to ● Get out of your everyday environment and
achieve this outcome.
Even better? I realized I didn’t need to leave the practice of immerse yourself in your surroundings
law to “fnd” balance. Instead, I needed to understand its para- by engaging your senses to just be. Take
doxical quality paired with the strength of internal shifts (in a walk. Breathe in the fresh air. Feel the
mindset and approach) for my own dynamic equilibrium. ground, carpet, tile or whatever is under
Today, I am grateful to have a place to call home in Vancou- you. remind yourself it’s great to be alive
ver, and to resume my position in-house at Vision Critical—al-
beit with an updated job description and an expanded pie. and it’s great to be a lawyer (an incredible
As Counsel, Legal Solutions, I’ve replaced my briefcase with achievement and privilege).
a toolkit to put many of my new skills and attitudes to work.
These include:
● Getting out of my chair (or stepping beside my standing Explore more—outside and inside your
desk) to share seats (or standing room) with executives and ●
teams, and communicating in ways that resonate with them, practice. Ask yourself, “How can I do this
like fgures and dashboards (visuals instead of memos); differently, in a way that makes me (and my
● Interacting with technology and technologists both within clients) feel better?
and outside the business to explore how all of us can work
less and deliver more; and
● Focusing on empathy with clients, end users or third parties to
really understand their concerns. Then designing and deliver- ● Renew and restore regularly. Play with
ing solutions that are responsive in an impactful, useful way your passions. Fill up your tank by taking
(instead of merely being a “nice to know” or “nice to have”). breaks. Accept that paradox and know your
Outside of the offce, I’m still dancing (often in the kitchen), tipping point(s).
drinking (wine) and writing (this article) while prioritizing
sleep like never before. The external stressors are still there and
they always will be. I’ve accepted that. But my internal experi-
ence and the way I choose to receive and respond to them are
mine to navigate with a fresh perspective. ❚

Lisa Culbert is Counsel, Legal Solutions at Vision Critical and affliate of
Law Made. She is always open to sharing her work-life pursuits and can be
reached at

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