Page 3 - CCCA Magazine Fall 2018
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CCCA in this issue…

FAll 2018 Automne | Vol 12, no. 3

is published quarterly by

14 Managing External AND internal Shifts: Balancing the Work-Life Paradox
From South America to europe to Asia/Australia and back again, one in-counsel counsel
CAnAdiAn CorporAte Counsel AssoCiAtion learned a lot about herself, career success and life by living and working as a professional
l’AssoCiAtion CAnAdienne des nomad for a year. She shares how big and little changes have helped her become more
Conseillers(Ères) JuridiQues d’entreprises fearless and appreciate the small things—and how you can too. By Lisa Culbert
1210 – 20 Toronto Street
Toronto, ON M5C 2B8
Tel: 416-869-0522 20 Caught in the Crossfre: A trade War Survival Plan for in-house Counsel
Email: As the u.S. engages in a multi-front trade battle and the list of sanctions continues to grow
CCCA ChAIr / PrÉSIDENT DE L’ACCJE with allies and adversaries alike, a global trade war is in the making. While there will always
Mike McKinney: be frictions among trade partners, the current climate is unsettling for all sides and has a
EXECUTIVE EDITOr / rÉDACTrICE EN ChEf direct impact on corporate planning. What can in-house counsel do in this new environment,
Lynne Yryku: brimming with uncertainty? By Luis Millán
Karen Sadler: 28 Why We Do What We Do (and how to Change it)
ADVErTISING / PUBLICITÉ The most useful learning isn't necessarily adding new knowledge. Sometimes problem solving
Brian Trotter: means shifting our perspective and re-evaluating our basic assumptions. Are we operating
DESIGN / CONCEPTION ArTISTIQUE with mental models that have grown outdated or obsolete? When we are not getting the
hume Media Inc. results we want, we need to look deeper and fnd the root of the problem. By Lynne Yryku
Olumide Adetunji
Marianne Bolhuis Columns depArtments
Graeme Deuchars
Sébastien Guénette
Wendy King 4 from the Editor Change is inevitable. It is 8 Mental health Mindfulness can help us
Laurie Macfarlane how you react to it that matters. By shifting gain insight into and acceptance of the
Sarah McKinnon your mindset, you can learn to embrace impermanent nature of everything. Through
Michael rothe it and help others see the benefts and deliberate practice and focus on gratitude,
Yasmin Visram opportunities it brings. we can learn to see change as opportunity
COVEr PhOTO / PhOTO DE COUVErTUrE for growth. By Wendy Lund
Decentral Inc. 5 from the Chair As I embark on my term
ISSN No. 1913-0562 as the new Chair, I look forward to the 10 Legal Performance Making the shift to
Publications Mail Agreement No. 42929530 relationships I will build and the progress leader means redefning your relationships
return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: we will make together. It is an exciting time and putting some of your skills on the back
Canadian Corporate Counsel Association to be in-house counsel in Canada! burner so your team can shine. It also
1210 – 20 Toronto Street opens the door to new skills and a wider
Toronto, ON M5C 2B8 12 Profle: Addison Cameron-huff every network of support. By Karlee Blatz
sector—from marketing to manufacturing,
All rights reserved. Contents may not be reprinted from healthcare to energy, from law 11 Wellness A good morning routine helps you
without permission. The opinions expressed in articles to accounting—is being disrupted by be more productive for the rest of the day.
are not necessarily those of the publisher. Information blockchain technologies. Meet the lawyer And it can be as simple or as complex as
presented is not legal advice and should not be relied leading one of the key players in this you want. By Lynne Yryku
upon as a substitute for review of your specifc situation
with legal counsel. Every effort has been made to revolutionary industry. By Lynne Yryku
provide accurate information; however, the publisher 33 Legal innovation The pace of technological
assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. 34 CCCA News Introducing Mike McKinney, change is fast and getting faster. Businesses
Tous droits réservés. Le contenu du magazine ne 2018-19 CCCA Chair; annoucing the next need to keep up to remain effective and
peut pas être reproduit sans autorisation. Les cohort to earn your CIC.C designation. best help their clients, and law frms are no
opinions exprimées dans les articles ne sont pas exception. See how they can help you.
nécessairement partagées par l’éditeur. Le contenu By Vanessa Vidas
du magazine ne constitue pas un avis juridique et 38 Spotlight on… Bringing our Whole Selves
vous ne devriez pas vous en servir pour évaluer votre to Work We are at our best when we can
situation particulière. Nous avons tout mis en œuvre show up at work fully and authentically. 42 inside Edge Our environment and our
afn de fournir des renseignements exacts. Cependant, It allows us to feel more engaged, fulflled mindset are never the same from moment
l’éditeur n’assume aucune responsabilité en cas
d’erreurs ou d’omissions. and productive. How can you help create a to moment. We are constantly learning and
welcoming environment? By Karen Sadler developing. How can we intentionally use
this change to our advantage? By KJ Chong

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