Page 42 - CCCA Magazine Fall 2018
P. 42
{ iNSiDE EDgE }
nAVigAting the WAters:
hoW to better embrACe ChAnge
By KJ Chong
We all carry an innate fear of moving from the known to the 2. know where you are
unknown. But change is inevitable in both business and our Talk with a mentor. Your mentor may be
a trusted advisor and is not necessarily in
careers, so how we thrive depends on our ability to adapt. a formal mentorship with you. It is im-
A framework to help us understand change helps us combat portant to cultivate these relationships.
You can send a quick email to say hello, an
our fears and move forward, overcoming the status quo. article you fnd interesting, set up a phone
call to chat or get a coffee together. Men-
source of inspiration comes from house counsel predict what kind of legal tors also fnd it refreshing to assist others
Greek philosopher Heraclitus, and business issues we may face. and see how far they too have developed,
A known for his doctrine that change Once we identify important changes to so the benefts are mutual. If you would
is fundamental to the functioning of the be made, we have to communicate them like to expand beyond your circle of ac-
universe: “You cannot step twice into the to others. Here again we must consider quaintances, the CCCA has an excellent
same stream.” the fear of entering the unknown. When (free) Mentoring Program that matches
The meaning of this phrase is twofold. we educate our colleagues about the ben- more experienced in-house counsel with
The frst interpretation focuses on the efts of a change, and the challenges we are those newer to the profession. Find out
stream itself, which is constantly chang- thereby eliminating, we should also state more here:
ing as new waters fow through it. Like what is being preserved. There is inherent
that stream, the business environments comfort in knowing that certain factors 3. know where you’re going
we work in are always in fux. will not be changing even while others are. Obtain feedback informally with internal
The second interpretation focuses on clients—both those to whom you report and
you. You are changed with every new ex- individual Change those to whom you may not report but of-
perience you have, new knowledge you Identifying how we personally have ten work with. You can frame your questions
gain and new person you meet. Therefore, changed is trickier, since we do not al- along the lines of “What should I stop do-
you are never the same person stepping ways have the ability to see how we have ing?”, “What should I start doing?” and “What
into the stream. evolved over time. Here are some practi- should I continue doing?” This strengthens
cal suggestions: your relationships and provides helpful ob-
environmental Change jective feedback on your blind spots.
Economics provide useful methods to un- 1. know where you have been As we encounter change, our approach
derstand environmental business change. At the end of each week, make a one- must be courageous. We will continually
First, Porter’s Five Forces is a model we can page bulleted list of what you have traverse different streams, each time be-
use to analyze the attractiveness of an in- achieved, what you are working on and coming a different, better person in the pro-
dustry by looking at fve factors that drive a what challenges you faced. When I made cess. The inevitability of this growth is not
company’s competitive position: the threat the switch from private practice, while I something to combat, but to embrace. ❚
of new entrants and substitutes, the bar- was delighted to not have to docket my
gaining power of customers and suppliers, hours anymore, I lost the data to ana- KJ Chong is sole legal counsel
and rivalry among existing competitors. lyze how my time was being spent. These at BroadGrain Commodities Inc.,
Second, the famous SWOT analysis looks personal reports have helped me identify a Canadian-based international
internally at the company’s strengths, where my time disappears and allow me grain trading company. She
weaknesses, opportunities and threats. A to assess if my resources are being allo- is currently Vice-Chair of the
run-through of both models helps us in- cated effectively. CCCA’s Ontario Chapter. Reach
her at
42 CCCA MAgAzIne | FAll 2018 AuTOMne