Page 14 - CCCA Magazine. Winter 2018
P. 14

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of legislative and regulatory changes in house counsel who work across sectors Canadian Association for the Practical
the education sector, and provides legal and industries—which she considers Study of Law in Education.
advice on issues related to benefts and critical to her practice and professional “Being actively involved is key to the
pensions, and legal assistance to teach- development. continued development of all in-house
ers who are disabled or injured at work. While she has beneftted greatly, she lawyers,” she says.
She is also part of the management gives back to her community in kind. In Regarding the 2019 Conference specif-
team, so her reach extends to the busi- addition to being an active member of cally, she is honoured to be Co-Chair: “I’m
ness side as well. the CCCA, she is Second Vice-President looking forward to meeting and engaging
At the OECTA, she is one of only two of the OBA (the 10 woman and the frst with my fellow CCCA members. I’m also
legal counsel. However, that does not Black woman to hold that position), sits looking forward to the conversations and
mean her in-house community is small. on the Board of the Canadian Association connections that will come out of the ses-
She has built a strong network of in- of Black Lawyers and is a Director of the sions and continue beyond the conference.”

“i think community is an excellent theme,” begins
Julia shin doi, general counsel and secretary of the
board of governors of ryerson university, who understands
well the importance of fellowship and support, having
founded numerous organizations for women and diverse
populations within the legal profession.

“My family immigrated to Canada from “superb!” She adds, “The CCCA is a great
Korea when I was two years old, and the resource, whether you’ve been working as
local Korean community really took care in-house counsel for 20 years or it’s your
of us and quickly became my extended frst day on the job.” sees CCCA involvement, for example, as a
family. Throughout my life, I’ve never for- Now in her second decade as a lawyer, great way to learn or enhance operational
gotten that sense of belonging I felt as part she moved to her current position at Ry- skills by participating in the chapter execu-
of that community. I’ve worked hard to erson University in 2011 after working tive or organizing a professional develop-
build communities in all areas of my life, in-house at York University and IMAX ment session. This will give you the oppor-
including within the legal community.” Corporation, and before that, in private tunity to meet other in-house counsel, with
“I remember when I attended last practice at a national law frm. As an diverse experiences and perspectives, who
year's Conference,” she recalls. “I was feel- Executive Group member, she provides you can learn from and lean on or lift up.
ing very stretched. I poured out my soul legal and governance advice to all the ar- One of her favourite quotes came from
to my table group of corporate counsel eas of the Ryerson community, and has Mark Weber, an award-winning professor
and talked about my challenges. I had not operational responsibility for access to who teaches the leadership course in the
met any of them before but they listened information, privacy and records man- CCCA’s Business Leadership Program for
attentively and shared their stories with agement. She leads a team of lawyers and In-House Counsel: “You create the situa-
me as well as their coping strategies: what professionals, and advises a large board. tion that you are in.”
helped them to maintain their resilience She is also a trademark agent, adjunct So create the situation you want by
and how they regained their sense of value professor and author, as well as being or surrounding yourself with like-minded
and perspective. They were inspiring and having been an active member on count- people to share experiences, learn new
encouraging. There was instant commu- less boards, groups and associations. tips and make connections at the 2019
nity in that group.” Julia is a true connector, someone who CCCA National Conference! ❚
Julia joined the CCCA back in 1998, has a special gift for bringing the world
looking to expand her network and fur- together—but she does not consider her-
ther develop her skillset as in-house coun- self unique in this regard. She encourages Lynne Yryku is the Executive Editor of CCCA
sel, and her experience continues to be everyone to begin by getting involved. She Magazine.

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