Page 13 - CCCA Magazine. Winter 2018
P. 13

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connections and


By Lynne Yryku

“the theme of community is spot on,” says charlene
Theodore, legal counsel at the ontario english catholic
Teachers’ association (oecTa), of the conference theme.

Charlene knows you can’t do your best “The Conference offers lawyers a ve-
work without your community’s support— hicle to share these experiences, resources
beginning with your immediate colleagues. and best practices,” she continues. “Inno-
“The frst thing I do during the day is meet vation and strategic advocacy are key to
with my assistant to review my sched- navigating our roles today. This is a great rights and anti-Black racism. She then
ule, and together we plan our short- and opportunity to come together to discuss went straight in-house, accepting a posi-
long-term tasks,” she explains. “However, new ideas and affrm core principles.” tion with the Ontario Nurses’ Association.
as in-house counsel, I may be pulled into Charlene’s background is in public “My career has been non-traditional
conversations and strategic discussions at a policy and government relations. After and I am proud of that,” she says. “I fol-
moment’s notice. This often means ripping an internship with the International Bar lowed my gut and looked for roles and vol-
up my to-do list for the day but it makes Association in the United Kingdom as a unteer opportunities that made me happy.
for a stimulating work environment. And law student, she articled at the African My Dad always told me, ‘Everything you
providing advice both through workplace Canadian Legal Clinic. Her work there want is on the other side of fear.’ I’m so glad
planning and strategy committees, and dur- was largely policy based, presenting to he instilled a sense of fearlessness and inde-
ing ad hoc conversations goes a long way in the United Nations’ Committee on the pendence in me from an early age.”
helping manage risk and keep small, man- Elimination for Racial Discrimination, as In 2012, she moved to her current
ageable issues from becoming bigger, more well as federal and provincial legislative position at the OECTA, where she advis-
expensive problems!” committees on matters impacting human es management and staff on the impact

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