Page 9 - CCCA Magazine. Winter 2018
P. 9

{ mentaL heaLth }

prevalence rates related to mental illness, “

You have a chance to
bad, it is worthwhile to look at the bigger
picture of drug and alcohol use in Canada
against the backdrop of incidence and
the new legislation but
heart disease, stroke and diabetes. We are not only work with
medicated and self-medicated at rates also speak to the larger
never seen before.
issue of mental health
exogenously Focused and wellbeing in your
In a very subtle but real way, we are
teaching ourselves to rely on exogenous organization. Exercise
substances to maintain normal body
functions, heal naturally and feel better compassion for your
when diffcult emotions or memories
arise. We reach for food, alcohol, ciga- fellow human beings.
rettes, narcotics or cannabis to soothe
what is diffcult to feel.
At its core, mindfulness is about get-
ting to know and understand our minds ”
and the feelings and emotions it pro- organization. As you consider policies and We are not all gifted with resiliency and
duces—and how to use those feelings and best practices in your workplace to sup- good mental wellbeing. Each trend that
emotions to gain insight and wisdom to port the new legislation, you can choose introduces changes, both minor and ma-
cultivate equanimity, or peace with our- to start with fresh eyes, uninfuenced by jor, is an opportunity to build our resil-
selves. It works from the inside out. the past. This moment of stress placed on iency and thrive within and outside of
Mindfulness practices can be diffcult us by such a major change can be an op- the workplace. ❚
because we inevitably need to address portunity to really do things differently.
discomfort in the most natural of ways: Keep asking yourself, “What’s really go-
we have to feel our way through it and ing on here?” with as little judgment as pos- Wendy Lund is CEO/Founder of Wellth Manage-
adjust our own thoughts and behaviours sible. You have a chance to not only work ment (, a frm that works
collaboratively with organizations to help redefne
until we fnd comfort in it. It takes time with the new legislation but also speak to wealth and foster psychological safety and wellbe-
and commitment. the larger issue of mental health and well- ing in the workplace. With more than three decades
If you are grappling with all that the being in your organization. Exercise com- of experience as a Health Studies Professor, Wendy
legalization of cannabis has brought to passion for your fellow human beings, understands the biology of stress and resiliency.
your workplace, see if you can take some whether they are openly suffering or not. Her vision is to help others redefne wealth in their
time to really understand what is going on Our capacity to engage with stress is workplace and lives, which she shares as a speaker
through workshops and in print.
here and now—within yourself and your a skill that needs practice and support.

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