Page 27 - CCCA Magazine Fall 2019
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ting caught up in issues that have little or charge,” he begins. “We often hear that growth potential has been identifed, like
no bearing on a deal. technology and outsourcing are threats Quebec, British Columbia and the Mari-
The new Chair of the CCCA has been to lawyers’ livelihood, but that couldn’t times. This will be accomplished by con-
an active volunteer on both the National be further from the truth. New areas of tinuing to invest in the CCCA’s unique,
Executive Committee and the Ontario practice are constantly emerging as the tailored programming, and more focused
Chapter of the CCCA since 2014. He un- world becomes more complex. Privacy, community outreach.
derstands the importance of connecting e-discovery, cybersecurity, AI and social And if you haven’t renewed your mem-
with peers both regionally and across the media are all practice areas that didn’t ex- bership yet, he urges you to do so as soon
entire country. ist 15-20 years ago. And document discov- as possible, as it provides you support at
Bourque also sits on the Board of the ery in litigation is a gigantic challenge in every stage of your in-house career, in-
Make-a-Wish Foundation of Canada, an the digital age. All of these things create cluding a professionally run Mentoring
organization that grants wishes to chil- work for lawyers!” Program, the largest annual conference
dren facing life-threatening illnesses. As Bourque predicts that “there will be for in-house counsel in Canada, and the
he explains, “When children are battling more outsourcing of low-complexity fagship Business Leadership Program for
a critical illness, so much of normal child- work like corporate due diligence and In-House Counsel, offered in partnership
hood is taken away from them. A wish document discovery, with AI playing a with the Rotman School of Management.
allows these kids the opportunity to look greater role when lawyers are provid- Refecting back on some of his favou-
outside of their illness, restoring a sense of ing opinions.” He adds that the CCCA is rite moments with the CCCA, Bourque
childhood and normalcy to both the child working to help members handle these highlights meeting peers from across
and their family.” coming changes by ensuring our pro- the country and volunteering as a men-
When asked about the direction of the grams and services take into account these tor with the CCCA’s Mentoring Program
in-house profession and the legal com- advances in technology and the ways in three different times. “I’ve found it to be
munity more widely, Bourque is highly which in-house counsel can collaborate one of the most rewarding aspects of my
optimistic. “Organizations are seeing the with experts in related felds. involvement with the CCCA,” he smiles.
value of having internal counsel who As for his goals during his year as Chair, No stranger to the limelight, Daniel
can provide legal services at a fraction of Bourque plans to help increase member- Bourque is ready to be your voice this year! ❚
the cost that an external provider would ship, specifcally in provinces where high
FAites ConnAissAnCe AVeC dAniel bourQue
du sommet des montAgnes Au-deVAnt de lA sCÈne, le nouVeAu
président de l’ACCJe sAit s’éCArter des sentiers bAttus.
« ’ai beaucoup d’intérêts et de passe-temps ment de théâtre de l’Université d’ottawa, à la portée de tous. personnellement, je me
en dehors du droit, d’où mon choix de dans des pièces off-Broadway et en fguration fais un devoir de prendre le petit-déjeuner et
Jpratiquer en entreprise, explique Daniel cinéma à new York. le dîner tous les jours avec mon fls et mon
Bourque, président de l’ACCJe en 2019-2020. Même s’il ne joue plus beaucoup, il a une partenaire, sauf si je voyage. »
J’aime les endroits insolites, je suis un mara- carrière forissante, une vie de famille, il voy- Aujourd’hui, Daniel Bourque est avo-
thonien passionné, un alpiniste et un acteur. » age et pratique des passe-temps athlétiques. cat principal au sein du groupe des con-
Quels endroits insolites? Le Myanmar, le Comment équilibre-t-il tout cela? trats mondiaux des Services juridiques de la
Vietnam, le ghana et la ville légendaire de « Je pense que l’équilibre entre le travail et Banque TD. Son mandat est axé sur la négo-
Djenné au Mali. Quels marathons? ottawa et la vie personnelle devient plus facile à mesure ciation d’accords commerciaux essentiels pour
Hamilton. Quelles montagnes? Le Mont-Blanc que l’on gagne en expérience professionnelle. l’infrastructure informatique de la banque.
(la plus haute montagne des Alpes), le Chim- on devient plus effcace et on gère mieux le « J’aime le fait que l’informatique soit un
borazo (le plus haut sommet de l’Équateur) et stress. Je crois qu’il est possible d’être dévoué domaine en constante évolution, dit-il. Avec
le Cotopaxi (le plus haut volcan actif des An- à sa carrière et à sa famille en même temps. l’iA, la sécurité accrue des bases de don-
des). Quels rôles? Sur scène avec le départe- il faut parfois un peu de créativité, mais c’est nées désintermédiées prises en charge par
CAnADiAn CorporATe CoUnSeL ASSoCiATion | 27