Page 26 - CCCA Magazine Fall 2019
P. 26


meet dAniel bourQue

From mountAin tops to Center stAge, the neW

CCCA ChAir knoWs hoW to WAlk on the Wild side.

“ have many interests and hobbies out- in everyone’s reach. I personally make a
side of law, which may explain why I point of having breakfast and dinner with
i chose the in-house path,” says Daniel my son and my partner every day unless
Bourque, the 2019-20 CCCA Chair. “I like I’m travelling.”
to travel to unusual places, I’m an avid Today, Bourque is Senior Counsel at
long-distance runner, I’m a mountaineer TD, working in the Global Contracts
and I’m an actor.” Group of the Legal Department. His focus
Those unusual places? Myanmar, Viet- is on negotiating critical enterprise deals
nam, Ghana and the fabled city of Djenné for the bank’s IT infrastructure.
in Mali. Those running routes? The Ot- “I like the fact that IT is an area in con-
tawa and Hamilton marathons. Those stant evolution,” he says. “With the advent
mountains? Mont-Blanc (the highest of AI, the added security afforded by disin-
mountain in the Alps), Chimborazo (the termediated databases supported by block- practice of law in-house,” he enthuses.
highest peak in Ecuador) and Cotopaxi chain, the increasing workfow automation Every in-house counsel understands
(the highest active volcano in the Andes). and consumers’ expectation to have fric- the challenges in balancing the busi-
And those acting roles? They range from tionless online experiences, we’re navigat- ness and legal aspects of the role. From
performing with the University of Ottawa ing in an everchanging environment.” Bourque’s experience, “to be an effective
theatre department to small roles in off- Bourque also feels fortunate to work internal counsel, you need to have a deep
Broadway plays and extras parts in movies at TD, as they have an “unparalleled com- understanding of your organization, and
flming in New York City. mitment to diversity and inclusion. As a you need to be open-minded, creative
Though Bourque’s acting days may be Francophone living in Ontario and as a and able to come up with solutions that
over, he has his growing career, family life, member of the LBGTQ community, that’s will advance the objectives of the enter-
travel and more athletic hobbies to keep extremely important to me.” prise while complying with the law. It
him busy. How does he balance it all? As for what initially drew him to the can be a tall order.”
“I think work-life balance becomes in-house counsel role, he cites wanting He goes on to say that “if you’re pro-
easier as you get more tenured in your more variety in his job and more balance viding sound advice, it should factor in
career. You’re more effcient at work and in his life. After 15 years in private prac- both the business and legal risk. It’s im-
you handle stress better,” he explains. “I tice, he was recruited by Dorothy Quann, portant to know your audience and con-
think you can be dedicated to your career then VP & General Counsel at Xerox Can- vey your recommendations in a way that
and your family at the same time. It some- ada, in 2011 to help support its Services will be clearly understood.” He also cau-
times takes a bit of creativity, but it’s with- Group. “I immediately fell in love with the tions against using legal jargon and get-

Save the dateS!

Don’t miss the largest annual gathering of in-house counsel
in Canada! The 2020 CCCA National Conference will be held in
Montreal from April 26 to 28. This year’s theme is Focus on
the Future: In-House Counsel in 2020 and Beyond.
Mark your calendar!

26 CCCA MAgAzine | fALL 2019 AUToMne
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