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CCCA_V1No2_Cover-FIN.qxd:CCCA_V1No2_Cover-V1.qxd 9/18/07 2:34 PM Page 1 CCCA CANADIAN CORPORATE COUNSEL ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION CANADIENNE magazine DES CONSEILLERS (ÈRES) JURIDIQUES D’ENTREPRISES A CANADIAN BAR ASSOCIATION AFFILIATE AFFILIÉE À L’ASSOCIATION DU Leading Corporate Counsel • Le conseiller juridique d’entreprise – Droit devant BARREAU CANADIEN FALL 2007 AUTOMNE Volume 1, No. 2 GCs navigate GCs navigate international waters international waters Winning the in-house talent war Convergence: a new relationship with outside counsel Corporate counsel enter the blawgosphere Jacqueline Sheppard Executive Vice-President Corporate and Legal Talisman Energy, Calgary PM 40070230 Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: Circulation Dept. One Mount Pleasant Road, 7th Flr. Toronto, ON M4Y 2Y5