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CCCA62_003.qxd:CCCA_V1No2_ToC-V1.qxd 09/14/2007 01:39 PM Page 3 CCCA CANADIAN CORPORATE Table of Contents COUNSEL ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION CANADIENNE magazine DES CONSEILLERS (ÈRES) JURIDIQUES D’ENTREPRISES A CANADIAN BAR ASSOCIATION AFFILIATE AFFILIÉE À L’ASSOCIATION DU Leading Corporate Counsel • Le conseiller juridique d’entreprise – Droit devant BARREAU CANADIEN FALL 2007 AUTOMNE Volume 1, No. 2 4 From the Editor: We may have arrived at the turning point in outside counsel costs. 6 From the President: CCCA’s programs and benefits spur membership growth. 8 From the Executive Director: Looking forward to new CCCA accomplishments. 56 CCCA News: Introducing the members of the new CCCA Board of Directors. Features 18 All Aboard! Bringing the best and brightest in-house with new recruitment and retention strategies. By Julie Stauffer 26 Global GCs: General counsel of multinational corporations must tame a host of issues. ByYves Faguy 18 34 Convergence: Panels of outside law firms prove that such partnerships can work. By Richard Skinulis 40 Online in-house: Making the business case for the corporate counsel blogger. By Amy Jo Ehman Departments 10 Outside Counsel Studying the three key elements of outside counsel guidelines. By Rees Morrison 11 Metrics 40 What corporate counsel think about their roles, relationships and costs. By Richard G. Stock 14 Cross Border The SEC is turning the spotlight on pre-M&A insider trading. By Marilyn Mooney 52 Profile: Mike Hardin … celebrating the solo in-house counsel. By Bev Cline 54 Profile: Barry M. Fisher … a philosopher at heart. By Bev Cline 34 Columns COVER: BRIAN BUCHSDRUECKER/BOOKSTRUCKER PHOTOGRAPHY 46 Corporate Law 45 Intellectual Property A U.S. Supreme Court ruling shakes the patent world. Climbing on the MJDS express train to U.S. capital markets. Litigation 48 Your first reaction to a class action filing may be the most important. Labour & Employment Law 50 The Supreme Court says collective bargaining is a Charter right. 58 Closing the Deal Improve relevance and satisfaction by talking to your internal clients. 52 AUTOMNE 2007 CCCA Canadian Corporate Counsel Association 3