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CCCA_V3No4_Compensation-FIN.qxd:CCCA_V1No1_DriversSeat-FIN.qxd 11/24/09 1:13 PM Page 25 Fisher believes the survey “provides a useful and comprehen- you can’t take the [law] firm out of the lawyer,” he says. Cover sive baseline of regional and industry compensation and employ- The survey also shows that lawyers who go to work in-house ment data and trends that will be of interest and assistance to all go to work;an in-house counsel position is not semi-retirement, Canadian in-house counsel.” continues Fisher. He made several observations about the survey. First with “The in-house position has different kinds of pressures than a respect to the number of hours worked:“If a lawyer’s expecta- law firm.In an in-house position,it’s a fairly constant flow of work, tion is that they are leaving private practice because of the [long] and you are constantly on call, you are an emergency doctor.” hours worked, then this survey will be illustrative,” says Fisher.“I While Counsel Network’s Bhathal is delighted with the think that as an in-house counsel you have a little bit better con- response rate for this survey, she looks forward to even greater trol over your hours inside a company, particularly those of us participation in the future. “This will allow us to focus even who are in GC roles.” more closely and provide even more details on corporate coun- But at the same time,“we’re paid for our judgment and advice. sel compensation.” Oftentimes,we have creative executives who come up with ideas at all times of the day or night: we have to be flexible as to More value, more benefits hours,” says Fisher. Patterson notes that the In-House Counsel Compensation & Career “The hours you put into that kind of activity [creative brain- Survey 2009 is one of a number of initiatives that CCCA conducts, storming] can add up. And, even after lawyers go home, you and will be initiating, to provide more benefits to members. often log on, or have this little device attached to your hip that “This compensation survey acts as a companion piece to rings at all times of day or night.” CCCA’s annual In-House Counsel Barometer, which measures Yet according to the survey,satisfaction with work-life balance the state of in-house counsel,”says Patterson.“Together,these sur- is rather high among in-house counsel: three respondents out of veys represent yet another set of the initiatives by CCCA in defin- four are very or somewhat satisfied. In fact, satisfaction of in- ing what it means to be an in-house counsel in Canada today.” house counsel is higher than Ipsos’ 62 per cent reference score Sponsored by Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg, Patterson for Canadian executives and managers as surveyed in its “Build a notes that work has already commenced on the 6th annual In- Better Workplace” survey. House Counsel Barometer, due for release in spring 2010. Working long hours, but being satisfied with work-life balance, may signal that “you can take the lawyer out of the [law] firm but Bev Cline is a freelance writer based inToronto. réalité. Mais le coup de sonde a tout n’occupent que 36 % des postes de con- régionale dans l’industrie et de données même réservé quelques surprises. seillers généraux, au niveau exécutif. sur l’emploi et les tendances qui seront « Ce qui m’a surpris est le fait que les Surprise supplémentaire pour cette d’un grand intérêt et d’une grande aide conseillers juridiques d’entreprise ont vice-présidente adjointe et conseillère pour tous les conseillers juridiques généralement identifié la rémunération juridique générale de la compagnie d’entreprise du Canada ». (35 %) comme étant la principale raison d’assurance Sun Life du Canada : le nom- Le président de l’ACCJE, Derek pour changer d’employeur », a noté M me bre d’heures travaillées, 47,3 par semaine, Patterson, fait quant à lui remarquer que Bhathal. Selon son expérience, ce critère selon l’enquête. « Je me serais attendu à le sondage 2009 est une initiative parmi arrivait plutôt deuxième ou troisième en voir plutôt 55 à 60 heures par semaine », plusieurs autres mises sur pied par ordre d’importance. dit-elle. l’ACCJE. Il « doit être lu conjointement Un autre élément d’intérêt, selon la avec le Baromètre annuel de l’ACCJE,qui dernière présidente de l’ACCJE, Leanne Outil complémentaire mesure l’état du conseil juridique en Andree, est le fait qu’ « en moyenne, le Barry M. Fisher, vice-président, avocat entreprise », souligne-t-il. Le sixième salaire de base des femmes est 19 % plus bas conseil et secrétaire de SAP Canada, juge baromètre annuel, commandité par que celui de leurs collègues masculins ».Le pour sa part que le sondage « fournit une Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg, sera sondage montre également que les femmes base utile et complète de la rémunération publié au printemps 2010. HIVER 2009 CCCA Canadian Corporate Counsel Association 25
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