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CCCA_V4No1_PresMessage-FIN.qxd:CCCA_V1No2_PresMessage-V1.qxd 2/3/10 11:21 AM Page 7 From the President What’s on your mind? Mot du Président À quoi CCCA’s In-House Counsel Barometer pensez-vous? wants to know what's important to you C’est la question que le Baromètre 2010 de l’ACCJE tentera de répondre. By Derek Patterson Par Derek Patterson ach year, when CCCA’s In-House Counsel Barometer is released, our members e Baromètre des conseillers et conseillères juri- Etell me how much they welcome this publication. Ldiques d’entreprises, initié en 2005 en tant que Initiated in 2005 as a joint project between CCCA and DaviesWard Phillips &Vineberg projet conjoint de l’ACCJE et le cabinet Davies Ward LLP,the In-House Counsel Barometer provides a wealth of information on our members’ Phillips & Vineberg, fournit une mine d’information attitudes and opinions with respect to topics that are important and relevant to them. sur les attitudes et opinions de nos membres concer- Each year since its inception, the survey continues to be fresh; some questions are nant les sujets qui leur sont utiles. repeated to develop trend information and new questions are added to provide insight Chaque année, ce sondage conserve sa fraîcheur; into other areas. certaines questions sur les tendances sont répétées et de For our 2010 Barometer,we are very pleased to announce that we have engagedVision nouvelles interrogations sont soulevées. Critical,Angus Reid's new interactive research solutions company,to do a quantitative and Nous sommes ravis de vous annoncer que nous avons qualitative survey that will delve deeply into what is on our members’minds. retenu Vision Critical, la nouvelle compagnie de This innovative project will begin with gathering relevant information from recherche d’Angus Reid, pour la réalisation de notre CCCA members through focus groups in Toronto, Calgary and Montreal. A survey sondage qualitatif et quantitatif :Baromètre 2010. will be created based on this information that will be sent to all regular members. Le sondage qui en sera bientôt issu sera transmis à By utilizing this process, Barometer 2010 will represent the most comprehensive tous nos membres réguliers. and targeted look into the in-house counsel experience in Canada available today. Baromètre 2010 fournira l’aperçu le plus complet et We are delighted that Davies continues to support and lead this very important initia- le mieux ciblé au Canada sur l’expérience des con- tive.We thank the firm for its continuing support that clearly demonstrates how impor- seillers juridiques d’entreprise. tant corporate counsel are to them. Nous remercions Davies de son soutien continu qui On reflection,I think it is important to view Barometer 2010 as yet another innovative démontre l’importance qu’elle accorde au conseil new initiative that we are providing to our members.It’s another step in giving our mem- juridique en entreprise. bers enhanced services that are meaningful and responsive to their wants and needs. Je pense qu’il est important de considérer le This year, of course, marked the advent of CCCA’s In-House Counsel Compensa- Baromètre 2010 comme une nouvelle étape destinée à tion Career Survey 2009.The first survey of its kind in Canada,the response from mem- fournir à nos membres des services améliorés qui bers has been extremely positive. Next year, we expect that this survey, intended to be répondent à leurs désirs et besoins. annual,will be even more informative and comprehensive,with feedback provided from Cette année a été marquée par le Sondage profes- our members. sionnel sur la rémunération des conseillers juridiques By the time you read this message, we will have met with the CBA to redefine our d’entreprise & sur la carrière 2009,la première enquête relationship.As mentioned in a previous message here in our magazine, as your associa- canadienne de ce genre.En 2010,nous nous attendons tion provides more and more enhanced benefits and services to you, there is need for a à ce que ce sondage devienne annuel et soit encore plus greater flow of your fees to be directed to CCCA.We will keep you apprised of this sit- informatif et complet grâce à l’interaction de nos mem- uation as we move forward. bres, que nous invitons à participer en grand nombre. Send your comments to Commentaires? An affilate of / Affiliée à ROGERS PUBLISHING LTD. Subscription enquiries should be addressed to/ Business & Professional Publishing Pour les questions concernant l’abonnement, Senior Vice-President veuillez communiquer avec : John Milne Debbie Walsh — CCCA/ACCJE One Mount Pleasant Road, 7th Floor Business & Professional Publishing CANADIAN CORPORATE COUNSEL ASSOCIATION Executive Editor/Rédactrice exécutive ISSN No. 1913-0562, Vice-President Toronto, ON, M4Y 2Y5. Beverley Spencer: Publications Mail Agreement Paul Williams L’ASSOCIATION CANADIENNE DES Our environmental policy is available at: CONSEILLERS(ÈRES) JURIDIQUES D’ENTREPRISES Managing Editor/Rédacteur administratif No. 40070230. 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