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CCCA_V4No2_PresMessage-FIN.qxd:CCCA_V1No2_PresMessage-V1.qxd 4/29/10 3:53 PM Page 7 From the President Prêt à enquêter Ready for Mot du Président their close-up Le Sondage baromètre de l'ACCJE 2010 oriente les feux du projecteur sur 2010 In-House Counsel Barometer Survey les membres. shines spotlight on members. By Derek Patterson Par Derek Patterson mong the many benefits and services your association provides to you is the annual e Sondage baromètre de l’ACCJE figure parmi les ACCCA In-House Counsel Barometer Survey. Lnombreux avantages et services que nous sommes With the continuing support of Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP which has ravis d’offrir aux membres de notre association. championed the survey since its inception in 2005, we are pleased to provide our Ce sondage administré parVision Critical et jouis- members with the 2010 Barometer, conducted by Angus Reid’sVision Critical. sant du soutien de Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg In order to ensure the Barometer continues to be highly relevant and useful for our LLP depuis sa création en 2005 continue à être très members,the CCCA decided to conduct a series of focus groups in advance of the 2010 pertinent pour nos membres.Pour le sondage de 2010, survey. Our goal was to gain a deeper understanding from our members about the issues des groupes de discussion ont été interpellés à l’avance. which are important to them and therefore,should be reflected in this year’s survey. L’objectif de cette démarche est de mieux comprendre As a result,the 2010 survey includes in-house counsel profiles by the different types of les questions considérées essentielles par nos membres de manière à ce qu’elles soient reflétées dans le sondage organizations in which in-house counsel serve. de cette année.Voici les faits saillants : This is highly valuable information for our members;as the survey introduction states, • Les conseillers juridiques d’entreprise sont fidèles à “in-house counsel can find information about other counterparts who practise in similar leurs employeurs; types of organizations as segmented in later sections of this report.” • Le conseil juridique d’entreprise est avalisé à l’un- Key findings of the 2010 Barometer include: animité en tant que cheminement de carrière; • in-house counsel are loyal to their employers; • La sous-traitance juridique fait partie du travail de • endorsement of in-house counsel as a career path is unanimously high; tous les conseillers juridiques d’entreprise; • outsourcing legal work to outside counsel is part of the job for nearly all in-house counsel; • Le champ d’expertise est l’élément le plus important • area expertise is the most important consideration when selecting external counsel; lors de la sélection de conseillers externes; • providing value as in-house counsel is intrinsically tied to managing or reducing risk. • Fournir de la valeur en tant que conseiller juridique As we move forward,your association is always developing new programming,servic- d’entreprise est intrinsèquement lié à la gestion et à es and benefits that resonate with our members’ current needs. la réduction des risques. As an example, CCCA will hold our second Corporate Counsel World Summit Je profite de l’occasion pour vous rappeler que September 26-28, 2010, in Toronto. Regardless of the size of our organization, whether l’ACCJE organisera le second Sommet mondial des it is public,private or government,we all recognize that the world is becoming more inte- conseillers à Toronto du 26 au 28 septembre, un grated and interconnected. Many of us are finding that our practice incorporates some évènement conçu pour refléter le caractère interna- international exposure or likely will do so in the near future. tional de nos pratiques. After our inaugural Corporate Counsel World Summit last year, the responses were Votre apport est important pour nous et nous enthusiastic about the networking and educational opportunities at this event. voulons entendre ce que vous avez à dire sur de possi- Our profession is rapidly evolving; so too is your association.We urge you to connect bles initiatives. Je vous invite donc à entrer en contact with CCCA through the national office, through your local chapter, at events and con- avec notre association, soit via le bureau national ou ferences.Your input is important. votre section régionale. Send your comments to Commentaires? An affilate of / Affiliée à ROGERS PUBLISHING LTD. Subscription enquiries should be addressed to/ Business & Professional Publishing Pour les questions concernant l’abonnement, Senior Vice-President veuillez communiquer avec : John Milne Debbie Walsh — CCCA/ACCJE One Mount Pleasant Road, 7th Floor Business & Professional Publishing CANADIAN CORPORATE COUNSEL ASSOCIATION Executive Editor/Rédactrice exécutive ISSN No. 1913-0562, Vice-President Toronto, ON, M4Y 2Y5. Beverley Spencer: Publications Mail Agreement Paul Williams L’ASSOCIATION CANADIENNE DES Our environmental policy is available at: CONSEILLERS(ÈRES) JURIDIQUES D’ENTREPRISES Managing Editor/Rédacteur administratif No. 40070230. Return 410-20 Toronto Street, Michael Rappaport: Undeliverable Canadian HEALTHCARE & FINANCIAL SERVICES GROUP environmental.htm Toronto, ON, M5C 2B8 Senior Editor/Rédacteur principal Addresses to: Publisher Vous pouvez consulter notre politique de Tel.: (416) 869-0522 Fax: (416) 869-0946 Yves Faguy: Circulation Dept., One Mount Alison Webb (416) 764-3876 l’environnement à : e-mail: Pleasant Rd, 7th flr. Toronto, ON, Art Director/Directeur artistique M4Y 2Y5 environmental.htm Tony Delitala: Production Manager This magazine is printed with vegetable inks and Natalie Chyrsky (416) 764-1686 Executive Director/Directrice exécutive Designer/Conceptrice graphique is 100% recyclable where facilities exist. Silvie Kuppek: Rozalynd Taylor-Platt: Recyclable là où le service est offert. ÉTÉ 2010 CCCA Canadian Corporate Counsel Association 7