Page 43 - CCCA 226419 Magazine Fall 2014
P. 43
{ iNterNatioNal arBitratioN } new arBItratIon guIde For In-house counsel he International Chamber of Com- cisions to ensure the cost effectiveness of For more information about ICC merce (ICC) recently published the each arbitration. Too often the parties and Canada, including its new corporate tguide, Effective Management in Ar- arbitrators apply standardized procedures counsel membership rate and its in- bitration: A Guide for In-House Counsel or decide procedural matters piecemeal as ternational arbitration conference in and Other Party Representatives. The Ca- the case moves along, which tends to in- Montreal on November 7, 2014, visit nadian Chamber of Commerce, member crease time and cost. For this reason, it is ❚ of the ICC, would like to bring the guide necessary to determine which procedures to the attention of the Canadian in-house are cost effective, i.e. whether their benef t counsel who manage arbitration and oth- in terms of improving chances of success er disputes. Download it for free at: www. is worth the cost. This is ultimately a busi- ness decision. In-house counsel managing management-of-Arbitration-In-House- a case must have a strong understanding of EFFECTIVE Counsel-Guide_-2014 the procedural options and the pros and MANAGEMENT This guide was developed with input cons of the various options so that they OF ARBITRATION from international arbitration coun- can make an effective cost/benef t analysis sel and corporate counsel who regularly and choose the optimum procedure for EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT OF ARBITRATION A Guide for In-House Counsel and Other Party manage arbitration around the world. It their case. This new guide provides party Representatives provides a valuable checklist for the pro- representatives with tools to assist them in cedural decisions that need to be made accomplishing this important task. at each principal phase of an arbitration. For more information on the guide, Useful in both large and small cases, it visit helps in-house counsel add value to the and-Rules/Document-centre/2014/ arbitration process. Effective-Management-of-Arbitration-A- Specif cally, this guide provides in- Guide-for-In-House-Counsel-and-Oth- house counsel with tools for making de- er-Party-Representatives. “ T is guide provides in-house counsel with ” tools for making decisions to ensure the cost ef ectiveness of each arbitration. Canadian Corporate Counsel assoCiation | 43