Page 45 - CCCA 226419 Magazine Fall 2014
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{ CCCa NeWs } call for nominations for ccca awards The deadline for nominations for the CCCA awards is December 5, 2014. Check your inbox or the CCCA website for nomination forms and information. The awards will be presented during the CCCA National Conference in Toronto. ■ The Community Builder Award rec- ognizes pro bono, community or cor- porate social responsibility efforts by CCCA members. ■ The Professional Contribution Award recognizes an individual or group who raises the prof le of the CCCA in the CCCA members at a CLC education session. professional community. ■ The Special Contribution Award rec- ognizes an individual who has made a nold, academic director for the program. one-time, extraordinary contribution “Brian recently retired as General Counsel to further the objectives of the CCCA. for Bruce Power, a major nuclear power sectIon news ■ The Up and Comer Award recognizes generator operating in Ontario. He served an individual with less than 15 years as EiR for the f nal day of the third course The local section in your area enables called to the Bar, who has had strong in the program. The day focused on the you to share ideas and best practices, participation at any level within the challenges associated with managing the and expand your network with col- profession, the CCCA and the organi- legal department. During the session, Bri- leagues nearby. zation they serve. an was able to provide a variety of relevant CCCA Quebec Section’s end-of-year ■ The Robert V.A. Jones Award is be- examples from his experience to demon- networking reception was held on stowed in recognition of excellence in strate the importance of many of the issues June 2. The keynote speaker was in-house counsel service. It is awarded raised by the instructors.” Mylène Paquette, the f rst North to a regular member of the CCCA “The design of the program relies heav- American to row solo, from west whose career exemplif es the highest ily on the creation of opportunities for to east, across the North Atlantic. standards of service, conduct and pro- all participants to share experiences and Her talk, “One Rowing Stroke at fessionalism for in-house counsel. points of view regarding the issues and a Time,” made the connection be- challenges being addressed,” says Arnold. tween her journey as a rower and “The willingness of seasoned profession- that of in-house counsel, who of- cIc. c executives in residence als such as Brian to take the time to share ten struggle against the current and Did you know that students enrolled in the their insights based on years of practical face a torrent of daily responsibili- CCCA’s Business Leadership Program for experience as in-house counsel adds a ties. She also shared her thoughts In-House Counsel (BLPIC) have the added rich additional learning component to the on facing fears, approaching seem- benef t of meeting and learning from Ex- BLPIC program.” ingly insurmountable goals and ecutives in Residence (EiR)? These experts Other EiRs have included Bonita Croft, the importance of communica- tion, especially for team leaders. actively participate in the three in-person QC, vice president, legal, general counsel Said Frédéric Pérodeau, president courses, bringing their real-world experi- and corporate secretary with Trican; and of CBA Quebec, “We were looking ence and knowledge base to the classroom. Karen Hacker, senior vice-president, hu- to offer a unique networking activ- “During the most recent BLPIC program man resources and volunteers, general ity that still met the needs of our in Toronto, one of the individuals serv- counsel and corporate secretary with To- members.” ing in the Executive in Residence role was ronto 2015 Pan/Parapan American Games Brian G. Armstrong, QC,” recalls Hugh Ar- Organizing Committee. ❚ Canadian Corporate Counsel assoCiation | 45