Page 44 - CCCA 226419 Magazine Fall 2014
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{ CCCa NeWs } 2014 canadIan legal conFerence excellence in collaboration, crowdfunding as the new f nancing frontier, data management and privacy compliance, and a workshop exploring what Ceos want from their in-house counsel were just a few of the many accredited professional development programs offered for CCCa members during the CBa legal Conference (ClC). eld in St. John’s, NL, August 15–17, profession forward and will serve as a key the conference brought together reference point for years to come. Visit hin-house counsel from across the for more information. country to connect and sharpen profes- sional skills. One of the conference highlights was mark your calendars! the CCCA luncheon keynote address given ccca National conference by Christine Healy, VP of commercial and The Business of Law: business development in North America Black Letter and Beyond at Statoil. In her address, Healy argued for april 19–21, 2015, toronto, on bigger and better incentives for Canadian oil exploration. Implying that Canada is be- Be a part of the largest gathering of in- hind the times, Healy highlighted Norway’s house counsel in Canada! Featuring a recent shift as an example. She explained program targeted exclusively to in-house that “the country’s sovereign wealth fund counsel needs and attracting a vast cross- CBa legal Conference keynote speaker is over $1 trillion. Unemployment stands section of experience and sectors of the Christine Healy, Vp of Commercial and Business at 3.5 per cent and the GDP per capita is Canadian in-house community, you’ll development in north america, statoil f nd yourself at the centre of an essential 30 per cent higher than Canada’s. And yet prior to its discovery of oil, Norway was an conversation about the profession. economy highly dependent on f shing, the Our conference theme, The Business of second poorest economy in Europe. ‘It was Law: Black Letter and Beyond, is a ref ec- a cold and rocky land populated by a warm tion of the in-house profession today: a and strong people. Does any of that sound profession with a unique vantage point of familiar at all?’” both the legal and business worlds. You’re Also during the conference, Michele in the process of mastering this balanc- Hollins, QC, took over as the new presi- ing act, and there are still lots of surprises dent of the CBA. Fred Headon, the f rst along the way. That’s where the CCCA in-house counsel to have ever held the comes in. position of president and now immediate In the span of three days, you will fulf ll past chair, will remain actively involved all of your learning and professional devel- with the CBA as the chair of the Legal Fu- opment requirements through our accred- tures Initiative. ited workshops and plenaries; celebrate The biggest highlight of the CLC was the achievements of CCCA’s 2015 award the release of the Initiative report, Futures: winners at a gala dinner; and discover the Transforming the Delivery of Legal Services latest solutions for your legal department in Canada. This report identif es a list of by connecting with technology experts and recommendations for moving the legal service providers in our exhibit hall. 44 CCCa Magazine | Fall 2014 autoMne