Page 7 - CCCA Magazine Winter 2014
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{ PerForMaNCe iN tHe laW dePartMeNt } “ An excellent engagement score is a predictor of ” how well the law department is performing and where improvements can be made. of these are designed to capture team- within the organization for me to ad- ■ I receive appropriate recognition (be- based behaviors. vance my career. yond pay and benefts) for my contri- ■ There are suffcient opportunities butions and/or accomplishments. Accountability: within the department for me to ad- ■ I received feedback on the previous vance my career. 5. engagement employee engagement survey. ■ Career opportunities usually go to the ■ The organization motivates me to con- ■ We participated in an effective engage- most qualifed person. tribute more than is normally required ment planning session following the ■ I understand what is required to ad- to complete my work. last survey. vance in the organization. ■ We have made progress on the goals set ■ I have access to valuable guidance I would add one question to probe en- out during the engagement planning about my career. gagement a little further: session. ■ It is easy for employees to move to dif- ■ I truly enjoy my work. ferent roles in the organization. Culture: ■ The organization has effective process- 6. pay ■ My coworkers continuously learn and es to help me identify my development ■ When taking into account my pay, ben- improve. needs. efts and hours of work, I believe that I ■ Every day, my coworkers contribute to ■ The department has effective processes am fairly compensated for my current a meaningful workplace. to help me identify my developmental contribution. ■ My coworkers always play to win. needs. ■ My coworkers are always part of the An engagement survey and the related company team. 3. managing performance follow-up on its fndings must be man- ■ The way my performance is measured aged processes. Taken together, they con- 2. career opportunities, learning and makes sense to me. tribute to the effciency and effectiveness development ■ My current workload seems fair to me. of the law department—something that ■ There are suffcient opportunities ■ I would welcome three job-specific is only possible if its members live up to within the organization for me to im- objectives each year. their full potential. Like the canary in the prove my skills in my current role. ■ I would welcome more complex, so- coal mine, an excellent engagement score ■ There are suffcient opportunities phisticated work in my present role. is a predictor of how well the law depart- within the department for me to im- ment is performing and where improve- prove my skills in my current role. I would add two questions to probe for ments can be made. ❚ ■ There are suffcient opportunities effciency: within the organization for me to satis- ■ The tools and resources I have allow fy my personal goals for new challenges me to be as productive as possible. Richard G. Stock, M.A., FCIS, CMC, is a partner with Catalyst and development. ■ The work processes we have in place al- Consulting. The frm has been ■ There are suffcient opportunities low me to be as productive as possible. designated the Preferred within the department for me to satisfy Provider for Legal Department my personal goals for new challenges 4. recognition Consulting by the CCCA for the and development. ■ Recognition is applied consistently past 18 years. Richard can be contacted at 416-367-4447 or ■ There are suffcient opportunities throughout the organization. Canadian Corporate Counsel assoCiation | 7