Page 3 - CCCA Magazine Summer 2015
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CCCA in thiS iSSue…

Summer 2015 été | Vol 9, n . 2

is published quarterly by

14 Managing Stock Market risk: new aequitas exchange has Big ambitions
the stock market is fraught with risk. For the GC of Aequitas nEO Exchange, mitigating
CAnAdiAn CorporAte CounSel ASSoCiAtion the many business risks is her top priority to ensure Canada’s new national stock
l’ASSoCiAtion CAnAdienne deS exchange thrives. By Jim Middlemiss
ConSeillerS(ÈreS) JuridiQueS d’entrepriSeS
1210 – 20 Toronto Street
Toronto, ON M5C 2B8 22 cracking Down on corruption
Tel: 416-869-0522
Email: the global nature of business and the complexity of regulations around the world make
compliance with anti-bribery and anti-corruption regulations something that requires
CCCA ChAIr / PréSIDENTE DE L’ACCJE signifcant focus from in-house counsel. By Jennifer Lewington
heather Innes:
Lynne Yryku: 28 Deferred Prosecution agreements in anti-corruption enforcement
ASSOCIATE EDITOr / réDACTrICE ASSOCIéE DPAs could be a welcome new tool to address mounting concerns over fraud and corruption
Karen Sadler: in Canada, beneftting both corporations and authorities. it is time to reopen the debate.
ADVErTISINg / PUBLICITé By Noah Arshinoff
Brian Trotter:
hume Media Inc.
EDITOrIAL BOArD ColumnS depArtmentS
Jim rossiter (Chair/Président)
Leila gosselin 4 From the editor With your skills and 6 Performance in the Law Department
Sébastien guénette expertise, you, as in-house counsel, legal fees have become signifcant line
Wendy King are the natural choice for risk managers. items in many companies. How can you
Simon Kupi
work with procurement to take sourcing
ISSN No. 1913-0562 legal services to the next level?
Publications Mail Agreement No. 42929530 5 From the chair the profession is evolving By Richard G. Stock
return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: rapidly. let the CCCA help you be
Canadian Corporate Counsel Association prepared to excel.
1210 – 20 Toronto Street 8 Diversity learn from two successful female
Toronto, ON M5C 2B8
executives who made decisions and took
10 Profle: william F. Pentney Canada’s risks that led them to career success.
All rights reserved. Contents may not be reprinted Deputy Minister of Justice and Deputy By Kirby Chown & Carrie Mandel
without permission. The opinions expressed in Attorney General refects on the path that
articles are not necessarily those of the publisher. led him to manage Canada’s largest legal
Information presented is not legal advice and department. By Michael Dempster 44 Legal innovation A recent Supreme Court
should not be relied upon as a substitute for decision on the principle of good faith
review of your specifc situation with legal
counsel. Every effort has been made to provide increases the risk of litigation arising from
accurate information; however, the publisher 32 Spotlight on… environmental health & contractual relationships. How can you
assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Safety audits EHS liability is growing. How mitigate it? By Anu Koshal
can you protect your organization while
Tous droits réservés. Le contenu du magazine ensuring compliance? By Karen Sadler
ne peut pas être reproduit sans autorisation. 46 inside edge Enterprise risk Management
Les opinions exprimées dans les articles ne sont
pas nécessairement partagées par l’éditeur. Le 36 ccca news Wrap-up of the CCCA national helps executives and the Board navigate
contenu du magazine ne constitue pas un avis risks to achieve strategic objectives. is your
juridique et vous ne devriez pas vous en servir Conference, including the 2015 award company using it to drive results?
pour évaluer votre situation particulière. Nous winners; and the frst certifed in-house By Denis Lavoie
avons tout mis en œuvre afn de fournir des counsel in the world.
renseignements exacts. Cependant, l’éditeur
n’assume aucune responsabilité en cas
d’erreurs ou d’omissions.

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