Page 9 - CCCA 250375 Magazine_Summer 2016
P. 9
{ Career management }
while working in-house, I did not ap- friendships. Not to mention the organi- several programs. I remain prepared for
preciate how much it would beneft my zations you volunteer with beneft from the next opportunity that comes my way.
career in the future. Aside from the great your wealth of legal knowledge and busi- Your in-house career is a collection of
reward I found in applying myself aca- ness acumen. responsibilities held, titles earned, work
demically, the courses introduced me to a accomplished and contributions made
broad range of professional contacts who make every day Count throughout your tenure at one or a number
are not lawyers. There have been many In my in-house career, advancement has of companies. The learning and network-
instances when I have called one of these meant different things over time. From ing is ongoing. Viewed this way, you have
people instead of an external lawyer to earning the heftier title by taking on more a lifetime to advance your career and each
help me solve a business problem. responsibilities to incorporating charity day is a new chance to get started. ❚
You can also advance your career and teaching components to enhance the
and your network by volunteering with diversity of my work, I have taken my in-
a charity or professional association. house career to a rewarding place—and Catherine Chow is the Vice-President Legal and
Not only is it personally fulflling, but I continue to advance it by learning new General Counsel at Keg Restaurants Ltd, where
she manages the legal matters of more than 100
non-proft work is also a great way for things and consciously widening my con- locations across North America. Her proactive ap-
in-house counsel to meet people other tact circle. For instance, I currently teach proach to risk management has been recognized as
than lawyers. Growing your professional a course at UBC’s law school, chair a suc- an industry-leading initiative, winning both a 2014
network in this way can lead to job pros- cessful charity dinner for a near and dear Canadian Lawyer In-house Innovatio Award and a
pects, partnering opportunities and great cause, and mentor new lawyers through 2014 Lexpert Zenith Award.
W.A. Derry Millar Peter G. Cathcart David C. Dingwall
Derry has over 40 years of Peter specializes in David is highly regarded for
legal and neutral commercial/corporate his experience in both the
experience. His expertise contracts, shareholder and private and public sectors.
includes commercial, franchise disputes, final He has expertise in
aviation, estates, offers under the Canada corporate/commercial,
environmental, insurance, Transportation Act and corporate governance,
product liability, intellectual Marketing Board Legislation, pension law, public policy,
property and real estate maritime contracts and human resource issues and
matters. transportation matters. other administrative matters.
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