Page 12 - CCCA 250375 Magazine_Summer 2016
P. 12

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“ When I was in private practice,

once a year I would walk the shop
foor [of a client] and the lessons in
Growing up, he spent much of his youth that were always valuable. and now Uber provides that same personal sat-
backstage watching his parents, full-time isfaction. He sees its impact whenever he
professionals, and his grandparents per- I’m on the shop foor every day. ” steps outside his offce or explores Toron-
form. From an early age, he read lines to’s diverse neighbourhoods and architec-
helping them memorize their scripts. And stead. I thought, ‘Surely, I can do this work ture on weekend walks with his wife, Alex-
though he didn’t feel talented enough for honourably, where these guys failed.’” andra Kimball, a writer. Uber’s an amazing
the theatre—“I’m best at playing myself, To that end, Millard majored in political product in terms of the app helping people
not others”—he developed presentation, science at Yale University, 1995-1999; at- get around cities, he says, reducing conges-
timing, pronunciation and diction skills tended the University of Toronto’s Faculty tion, reducing pollution and giving people
that serve him well. of Law, 1999-2002; and earned an M.Phil, opportunities to earn income.
He also became comfortable with Politics (Comparative Government) at the In Canada, Uber’s in the early stages,
technology through a circle of friends, University of Oxford, 2005-2007. an opening act if you will. As the cur-
many who went on to careers in program- During law school, Millard, “a practical tain rises, Millard is optimistic it will be a
ming. Though not scientifcally gifted, and pragmatic type,” quickly volunteered long-running hit.
he learned about computers through os- with the school’s poverty law clinic, Down- “Much as where the United States was
mosis. Assembling computers as a hobby town Legal Services, where he spent more at a couple of years ago, we are very much
starting in middle school made working time helping clients than he did in classes. at the point where we are going city to city,
for a technology company like Uber feel “That’s how I really started to become a province to province to get regulations to
more natural, he says. lawyer and not just a political wannabe— be enacted for this new business model,”
It was politics that captured his imagi- from the practical experience of interview- he explains. “Once that is complete, we’ll
nation and led him to the law. “When I was ing and helping clients, and appearing in be able to fourish as a company.” ❚
12, I read All the President’s Men, which court, right from my frst days at law school.
usually makes people want to be journal- You are doing good things from the get-go
ists; it got me interested in government in- and being involved in a very direct way.” Michael Dempster is a writer based in Calgary.


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12 CCCa MagazIne | SUMMer 2016 été
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