Page 9 - CCCA 270450 Magazine_Fall 2017_for web
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{ legal PeRFoRMance }
seeking to explain why your department “ Ultimately, and counterintuitively, the restriction
5. Balance trust in your boss with fght-
ing for your department. Your boss, by
defnition, has a broader perspective on
of a budget frees you. It sets guideposts and forces
where the legal department fts into the
overall strategy of the organization and
how its budget is viewed. Rather than
laziness; with scarcity comes ingenuity.
is a unique fower, try to understand her you to think more creatively. With excess comes
needs and viewpoint. The organization, as
a whole, always comes frst. A pass through ”
Niall Ferguson’s Empire: How Britain Made to your organization’s identity or sustain- The conscious mastery of the allocation
the Modern World is a historical education ability, it is your responsibility to fght for and maximization of your organization’s
on how to allocate resources across a frac- resources to drive success. Learn about the precious resources can be a central element
tured and diverse organization.
impact of losing something truly invalu- in the transformation of your legal depart-
6. Recognize what is invaluable. able in Vanished Smile: The Mysterious ment into a strategic partner of impact.
Always keep true to your organization’s Theft of the Mona Lisa. All that from a six-letter word. ❚
mission, purpose and core values. If they Ultimately, and counterintuitively, the
are just faded words on a crooked, dusty restriction of a budget frees you. It sets
plaque on a wall next to the bathroom, it guideposts and forces you to think more Jonathan Cullen is Vice President, Legal Affairs
is nobody’s fault but your own. In-house creatively. With excess comes laziness; with & General Counsel at Pfzer Canada Inc. He is a
member of the CCCA Executive Committee and
counsel can and should have tremendous scarcity comes ingenuity. It’s another test uses six-letter words on a regular basis. Reach him
infuence over an organization’s culture. If you must pass as in-house counsel, man- at
a particular strategy or activity is central ager and leader. And it’s an important one.