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Lex Mundi member frms deliver coordinated legal

advice in all the places you do business.

Successful cross-border transactions and multinational projects require
companies to anticipate issues and overcome challenges from a growing
number of jurisdictions. By partnering with Lex Mundi member frms,
you can close time-sensitive deals while meeting your risk tolerance and
balance sheet objectives.
Our global network of 160 well-resourced member frms in 100 countries
delivers the experience, expertise, indigenous insight and local relationships
that are essential in executing business plans around the world.

Lex Mundi — the law frms that know your markets.*

* The 160 selected member frms of Lex Mundi include: Chiomenti • Gide Loyrette Nouel A.A.R.P.I.
Noerr LLP • Uría Menéndez • Bowmans • Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas & Co. • Clayton Utz
JunHe LLP • Nishimura & Asahi • Demarest Advogados • Alston & Bird LLP • Baker Botts L.L.P.
Faegre Baker Daniels LLP • McGuireWoods LLP • Morrison & Foerster LLP
Search our full listing of Lex Mundi Member Firms at:
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