Page 7 - CCCA Magazine Winter 2017
P. 7

{ leGal perForMaNCe }

“ Any attempt to look to the future

requires refection, and the abilities

turn obstacles into advantages.
the game on document management by to observe truth in the world and
looking at past legal advice or strategy to
get a sense of where tomorrow may land. son and refect on how these problems, if revolutionize your career. ”

5. Finally, Marcus Aurelius’ greatest insight:
“Our actions may be impeded, but there all day. Instead, be bold: run into that broader systemic issues. Mentorship and
can be no impeding our intentions or dispo- burning house. Use your weapons of rea- feedback in this type of relationship can
sitions. Because we can accommodate and
adapt. The mind adapts and converts to solved, could transform into a competi-
its own purposes the obstacle to our acting. tive advantage. Rather than hacking at In closing, I have thoroughly enjoyed writ-
The impediment to action advances action. the leaves of problems, dig, discover its ing about my year-long reading bibliophil-
What stands in the way becomes the way.” root and attack. ic odyssey. I’m hopeful that the intimidat-
This, in my opinion, represents a profound Practical application: If you struggle ing pile of books on your nightstand that
potential evolution in our way of thinking. with this concept, fnd a leader in your stands in the way becomes the way. ❚
Don’t seek to avoid obstacles; instead, seek organization who is an exemplary stra-
them out. Rotate them in your mind and tegic thinker and ask for guidance. Find
turn them to your advantage. someone who asks questions that reframe Jonathan Cullen is Vice President, Legal Affairs
In-house counsel are bombarded with discussions, widens rather than narrows & General Counsel at Pfzer Canada Inc. He is a
member of the CCCA Executive Committee and is
the organization’s problems. It would be options, connects seemingly unrelated sometimes caught hacking at the leaves.
easy to simply fght fres from a distance topics and elevates solutions to address

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