Page 9 - CCCA Magazine Winter 2017
P. 9
{ iNterNatioNal trade }
“ It is important for you to take steps to
make your organization, especially senior
competitors. In addition, you are likely ”
management, aware of the benefts of using
FTAs to optimize global strategies.
orities, the impact of FTAs on such pri-
orities, your options and those of your
well positioned within your organization
to coordinate, communicate and work
with those developing and executing or-
ganizational strategies. Therefore, you
can play a key role in advising decision
makers and planners to ensure global
ule periodic reviews of your organiza- 5. Communicate and deliver training. strategies include an understanding and
tion’s applicable policies and processes, In-house counsel are not likely to see ev- assessment of available FTAs to lower
updating as necessary, to ensure ongoing ery proposal for, or changes to, the orga- costs, drive effciencies and increase mar-
eligibility and compliance with docu- nization’s global strategy. Therefore, it is ket opportunities. It is a concrete way to
mentary requirements. Providing your important for you to take steps to make demonstrate the measurable value you
purchasing, marketing and planning de- your organization, especially senior man- bring to your organization. ❚
partments with updated information and agement, aware of the benefts of using
timing on possible changes is important FTAs to optimize global strategies. Such The contents of this article are intended to
so they have the lead time required to agreements can bring meaningful savings, provide a general guide on the subject mat-
identify and implement adjustments. This increased effciencies and new customers. ter. Specialist advice should be sought about
will also help you be prepared for verifca- Even if the decision makers just remem- your specifc circumstances.
tions and audits. ber to ask the question, this will enhance
Working with your government rela- your organization’s chances of seizing re-
tions team is a good way to monitor, as- lated opportunities and avoiding costly, Heather Innes, JD, CIC.C, is Counsel to LexSage
Professional Corporation in Toronto, providing
sess, infuence and prepare for anticipated competitive risks. practical legal advice on international trade mat-
changes. If you don’t have a government As in-house counsel, you are trained ters. She brings to her practice over 20 years of
relations team, working with a business to understand the elements, require- in-house experience with General Motors, where
association or associations within the le- ments and opportunities of international she served as the Global Process Team Leader,
gal community may be a good alternative trade agreements. You have a solid un- International Trade Law.
to stay on top of proposed changes. derstanding of your organization’s pri-
M e di a to r
an d
A r b i t ra to r
W.A. Derry Millar
Derry has over 40 years of legal and neutral experience. His expertise includes commercial, aviation, estates, environmental,
insurance, product liability and real estate matters. He has chaired and served on panels for numerous Law Society discipline
matters. His skill as an advocate was recognized when he was elected as a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers. He
is also a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and a recipient of the Law Society Medal.
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