Page 8 - CCCA Magazine. Winter 2018
P. 8

{ mentaL heaLth }

riding tHe CAnnAbis trend:

WHAt's reAllY going on?

By Wendy Lund, RN, BScN, MSc in Mindfulness Studies

Trends are often nothing more than a preview of what's to come. the twist: medicinal or recreational
The word trend is just another way of saying upcoming change, Unlike alcohol and tobacco, cannabis use
has been categorized as either medicinal
and our brain’s negativity bias may refexively see this change as or recreational. From a workplace per-
stress—which does not serve us in our modern world. Can we spective, differentiating the two is ar-
guably where the legal team will spend
instead look at emerging trends as a way of building individual signifcant energy in order to navigate
and organizational resiliency? appropriate policies around accommoda-
tion for those requiring it medicinally and
those using it recreationally.
he cannabis space is a great example. those at the top) practice to avoid inap- Educating all employees, especially
For the past four decades, we have propriate judgment, eliminate stigma leaders and decision-makers, is para-
tseen a trend of liberalization re- and reduce confict in the workplace. mount to appreciate the complexities of
garding cannabis, leading up to the cur- This should help remove barriers to the cannabis use in the workplace. Emerging
rent Cannabis Act. Workplaces all over successful implementation of best prac- evidence that often contradicts or chal-
the country are now grappling with its tices moving forward. lenges long-held “groupthink” about can-
impact, and as in-house counsel, you Workplaces dealt with the use of to- nabis means that open and frequent train-
are likely feeling the stress of this recent bacco and alcohol—but that was many ing on the impact of cannabis on health
change more than anyone else! decades ago. So the cannabis legislation and safety (in and out of the workplace)
Mindfulness techniques and practices offers a fresh chance to adopt a beginner's as well as productivity is required.
can help us manage our stress and anxiety, mind in reviewing policies and language Practicing compassion can be diffcult
and even “make friends” with such trends, around educating, testing, and establish- any day of the week, but depending on
which dramatically impact our work. Fol- ing ftness for duty and disciplinary path- our beliefs and attitudes, it may feel next
lowing this example, building awareness ways related to drug use. When we look at to impossible to cultivate compassion for
of our beliefs and attitudes towards can- something as if we haven't seen it before medicinal and/or recreational users. How-
nabis, cultivating a beginner's mind and (as a beginner), we see things from a dif- ever, many people use cannabis for the
practicing compassion for the wellbeing ferent perspective, free from preconcep- same reason many people reach for a glass
of others can help us manage successfully. tions or speculations. It also means we of wine at the end of a long day. Few peo-
First, we must check in with ourselves have to let go of our “expert mind” and ple are stigmatized for the latter, as alcohol
on where we stand in terms of values and make space for something new. has been legal for decades and is therefore
beliefs related to cannabis (and drugs in This may feel like we are not doing our more socially acceptable. Cannabis, on the
general). Core attitudes about drugs of- job, but in reality, the attitude of not hav- other hand, has a long history of stereo-
ten impact how we engage with others. ing to be the expert will lead us to ques- types and myths to overcome before it will
Becoming aware of our own or others’ tion more and assume less, resulting in a be treated in the same regard.
cannabis bias in the workplace should more holistic perspective. It can also help Without striving to settle any debate
be part of what all employees (especially us unload some of our stress. about whether cannabis use is good or

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