Page 34 - CCCA 292467 Magazine_Spring 2019
P. 34


the Future Belongs to in-house Counsel—

Are you reAdy?

are you ready to take the reins of your career and lead the legal
profession forward? Talented, T-shaped in-house counsel are in
huge demand and have more opportunities than ever before to
become key players in the C-Suite.

ot sure what a T-shaped lawyer is? Enroll in the Business Leadership Pro-
In an article for the American Bar gram for In-House Counsel, created by
nAssociation, Irene Mo describes a the Rotman School of Management and
T-shaped lawyer as “one who has deep the CCCA, and in one year, you will:
legal expertise (the vertical bar of the T) ■ Possess essential business knowledge
but also enough knowledge of other dis- about organizational dynamics, execu-
ciplines (the horizontal part of the T) to tive decision-making, communications,
bring ideas from other felds to legal-re- employment & HR, governance, fnan-
lated challenges and to better collaborate cial management, M&A, IP, risk man-
with experts in those areas.” 1 agement, teambuilding and leadership;
In-house counsel often naturally be- ■ Be confdent in your ability to act as a
come T-shaped lawyers over the course strategic legal and business advisor at
of their careers as they dive into and be- the C-Suite table;
come knowledgeable about different areas ■ Obtain the designation CIC.C (Certi-
of their client’s business. But what if you fed In-House Counsel – Canada), join-
want to accelerate your career and “cross ing an exclusive group of T-shaped in-
your T” sooner? house counsel across the country; and
What are your career aspirations? Gen- ■ Be ready to step into the next stage of
eral Counsel, Chief Integrity Offcer and your career!
even Chief Executive Offcer are all career The next cohort of the Business Leader-
paths open to you in the future—if you ship Program for In-House Counsel be-
have the right skills and expertise. We gins their journey in Toronto this June.
want to make sure you’re ready to seize Invest in your career and apply today at
these opportunities now!!


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