Page 35 - CCCA 292467 Magazine_Spring 2019
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Will Chief ethics offcer or Chief light the Fire: “Managing Uncertainty: Tools to Imple-
integrity offcer be your next title? strength, inspiration ment Your Innovation Idea.” You’ll also
At the end of last year, LinkedIn pub- and growth in have plenty more opportunities to gather
lished their annual 50 Big Ideas: What to Community and grow your community during cozy
Watch in the Year Ahead list. Number 35 Toronto: April 7-9, 2019 coffee breaks, while chatting with legal
on that list? “Chief ethics offcer will be On Sunday, April 7, service providers in our lively Exhibit
the hot new C-Suite title”—a buzzwor- in-house counsel who are newer to the Hall and by mingling with your peers at a
thy item in the CCCA offce, as this role profession are encouraged to attend cocktail reception on Monday afternoon.
will likely grow out of legal “like diversity Spring Training Camp, an intensive, all- Last but not least, we’ll be honouring
grew out of HR.” The list’s author, Isabelle day learning experience during which the 2019 CCCA Award Winners during
Roughol, explains that “as technology ad- topic experts will share their wisdom and the conference.
vances ever faster and the law struggles to insights about the in-house essentials: We want to make sure we do every-
keep up, how personal data is handled or contract drafting, compliance, corporate thing we can to make it easier for you to
how AI is built often comes down solely governance, HR and ethics. attend this conference. That’s why lawyers
to corporate decisions. How do they make On Sunday evening, the conference will in career transition, lawyers less than fve
the right ones? Companies are waking up offcially kick-off with a campfre-themed years called to the bar, and current stu-
to that responsibility and making ethics a social. Put on your plaids, grab a blanket, dents/alumni of the Business Leadership
core function.” 2 and get ready to feel all warm and fuzzy Program for In-House Counsel all receive
We decided to bring this conversation inside as you snack on gooey smores, con- a steep discount of $400 on their registra-
directly to you, our members, at the 2019 nect with old friends and meet new ones. tion fee. Lawyers registering in groups of
CCCA National Conference. On Monday, On Monday, April 8, and Tuesday, three or more will all receive a discount
April 8, join the CCCA, LexisNexis (our April 9, expect to be inspired by forward- of $100 on their registration fee. Can’t at-
International Conference Partner) and looking thought leaders and engaging tend the whole conference? Day passes are
LinkedIn’s Vice-President, Head of Global workshops on topics like “Make Your available too!
Compliance & Integrity, Amyn Thawer, Contracts Rock Solid: Developments in Register today and invest in yourself and
for an illuminating discussion around in- Exclusion and Entire Agreement Clauses,” your community! Visit www.ccca-accje.
house counsel as the future Chief Integ- “Building Your Community: Communi- org/Conference-2019 to learn more. ❚
rity Offcers. cation Skills for Better Engagement” and


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