Page 30 - CCCA 292467 Magazine_Spring 2019
P. 30
“ Companies do not operate on their own; they carry out their business through the actions
of employees. Like the average citizens in Mexico and India, most employees are honest
and want to do the right thing. Isn’t it time we leverage this inherent integrity?
Patricia Osoko, Legal Director, ATCO Mexico
Brightening the Outlook Recently, I led an initiative to revise our company’s Code
of Conduct, where we started from the assumption that all of
our employees will make the right decisions if given a chance.
This attitude makes me optimistic that honesty and integrity
are becoming entrenched in the mainstream psyche in emerg- We also assumed they would like guidance on situations that
ing economies. People are no longer willing to turn a blind eye are tricky or are not black and white. We came up with a suite
to fnancial and legal impropriety by government offcials. But of policy statements that were linked to our corporate values,
what about corporate actions? Once citizens are confdent their along with examples of challenging situations.
governments are operating with integrity, the spotlight will in- I like to say the code can be broken down into simple prin-
evitably move to companies. ciples: “Don’t lie, don’t cheat, don’t steal and make the best deci-
As Canadian organizations go global, we need to pay close sions you can. When you have a problem, talk about it with a
attention. We must model best practices in compliance and supervisor, manager or compliance offcer. No surprises.” Brief,
corporate social responsibility, especially in emerging markets, to the point and relevant, this new code is very different from
where these values are so prominent in public life. the previous one—and much more useful.
In particular, companies should be attuned to popular We should be looking to make all corporate policies and
trends and realize that with economic power comes the respon- messaging equally accessible. We want to provide useful tools
sibility to act with honesty and integrity. Failure to recognize and guidance to our employees, who come equipped with the
the importance of having integrity is battering the reputations desire to be honest and act with integrity. We want to share how
of many large companies whose operations span the globe, we, as a company, do business in a thoughtful and fair way.
from Facebook in the tech sector to Nissan in the automotive By shifting the conversation, I think we, like the average citi-
industry. As with politics, public opinion is swinging strongly zens of Mexico and India, can aspire to a future where corrup-
to favour corporate integrity—a trend we should capitalize on tion is an aberration, not the status quo, and where everyone
as in-house counsel. has a role in ensuring the right thing is done. ❚
Note: The views expressed in this article are those of the author
Recognizing the Power of Employees and not those of her employer.
Companies do not operate on their own; they carry out their Patricia Osoko is the Legal Director for ATCO Mexico, where she supports
business through the actions of employees. Like the average citi- operations in energy infrastructure and modular construction, as well as new
zens in Mexico and India, most employees are honest and want to growth opportunities. When she is not busy learning Spanish and dodging
do the right thing. Isn’t it time we leverage this inherent integrity? Mexico City traffc, Patricia leads Silver Birch Innovations, where she studies
Corporate policy manuals, for instance, tend to adopt a pro- and implements innovation and cultural transformation through digital rein-
hibitive or restrictive tone. How do we instead devise policies vention, policy and process restructuring. Connect with her on LinkedIn.
that maintain a baseline of consistency but empower employees
to demonstrate their integrity?
How Can In-House Counsel Foster Integrity?
1. Be accessible. 2. show you are interested. 3. lead the charge. 4. Be a model of integrity,
Be available as a sounding attend seminars or courses, Review your company’s code in both personal and work
board for employees who and read the latest cases and of conduct, policies and activities. Have the courage
may face integrity issues. media reports on corrup- practices to see if they refect to always do what is right
Visit site offces and opera- tion. Make sure your internal the latest integrity trends. Be even when it is hard.
tions where those issues may and external resumes refect prepared to make sugges-
be especially challenging. this interest. Be involved in tions for improvement as the
internal discussions and com- marketplace evolves.
mittees on best practices.
30 CCCa MaGazInE | SPRInG 2019 PRInTEMPS