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CCCA_V2No2_EDMessage-FIN.qxd:CCCA_V1No2_EDMessage-V1.qxd 5/2/08 1:02 PM Page 10 From The Executive Director Mot de la directrice exécutive The path to Sur le chemin vers excellence l’excellence L’ACCJE démarre un nouveau programme The CCCA introduces a new de mentorat. mentoring program. by Silvie Kuppek ne of the experiences common to many successful people is that es grosses pointures attribuent souvent leur when they first started out,there was someone who took an inter- succès à l’accompagnement d’un mentor, tôt Oest in their career development.That person helped to guide them Ldans leur carrière, qui les a guidés et aidés à through those uncertain first years and helped them to build confidence in acquérir les compétences, la confiance, et le bon ju- their abilities and judgment. gement nécessaires à la réussite. Looking back at their early careers,many titans of business,industry and the Les géants de l’industrie et du droit rapportent sou- law have said that this guidance was the difference between an ordinary career vent, en regard de leur expérience passée, que ces con- and a stellar career.Mentorship has a long and distinguished history in the legal seils ont fait toute la différence entre un parcours profes- profession, but it is by no means restricted to the private Bar. sionnel sans éclat et une brillante carrière. Recognizing the great value of this important guidance at the start of a Reconnaissant la valeur du mentorat, l’ACCJE a career, the Canadian Corporate Counsel Association has developed a men- élaboré le programme Sur le chemin vers l’excellence, toring program to pair together junior and senior counsel to share and learn qui vise à jumeler conseillers juniors avec conseillers from one another. The program is called “Counsel Guiding Counsel: The d’expérience afin d’encourager l’échange d’idées. Le Path to Excellence.” It will be administered by Sue Zablud, who developed programme sera dirigé par Sue Zablud, qui a élaboré the mentoring program for our sister association, the Australian Corporate un programme similaire en Australie. Lawyers Association. Le programme sera d’abord lancé sous la forme d’un This pilot program, an initiative championed by Barry M. Fisher, matches projet pilote d’une durée de six mois, une initiative par- ten pairs of corporate counsel who will meet for a six-month term and rainée par Barry M. Fisher. Dix pairs de participants includes training for the mentors and mentees on a number of points,includ- devront suivre une formation durant laquelle il s’agira ing expectations,what to ask,and how to help.The program is set up to sup- d’apprendre comment poser les bonnes questions et com- port the pairs throughout the six-month period to ensure optimal benefit to ment, en tant que mentor,apporter le soutien approprié. both parties. Pour en savoir plus, vous pourrez me contacter à To learn more about“Counsel Guiding Counsel,”contact me at the e-mail l’adresse courriel ci-dessous ou consulter notre siteWeb address below, or visit the CCCA website at ( Nous sommes fiers We are proud to launch this program as one of the continually growing serv- d’être en mesure de vous offrir ce programme et es- ices and benefits that we are developing for our members.And, as always, we pérons qu’il répondra à vos attentes, alors n’hésitez pas appreciate your feedback. à nous donner vos commentaires. Send your comments to Commentaires? An affilate of / Affiliée à ROGERS PUBLISHING LTD. Subscription enquiries should be addressed to/ Business & Professional Publishing Pour les questions concernant l’abonnement, Senior Vice-President veuillez communiquer avec : John Milne Debbie Walsh — CCCA/ACCJE Business & Professional Publishing Vice-President One Mount Pleasant Road, 12th Floor Paul Williams Toronto, ON, M4Y 2Y5. CANADIAN CORPORATE COUNSEL ASSOCIATION Executive Editor/Rédacteur exécutif ISSN No. 1913-0562, L’ASSOCIATION CANADIENNE DES Jordan Furlong: Publications Mail Agreement HEALTHCARE & FINANCIAL SERVICES GROUP Our environmental policy is available at: Publisher CONSEILLERS(ÈRES) JURIDIQUES D’ENTREPRISES Managing Editor/Rédactrice administrative No. 40070230. Return Jim Farley (416) 764-3910 300-20 Toronto Street, Bev Cline: Undeliverable Canadian environmental.htm Toronto, ON, M5C 2B8 Addresses to: Vous pouvez consulter notre politique de Tel.: (416) 869-0522 Fax: (416) 869-0946 Senior Editor/Rédactrice principale Circulation Dept., One Mount Account Executive l’environnement à : Yves Faguy: e-mail: Pleasant Rd, 7th flr. Toronto, ON, Stefanie MacDonald (416) 764-3911 Art Director/Directeur artistique M4Y 2Y5 environmental.htm Tony Delitala: Production Manager This magazine is printed with vegetable inks and Executive Director/Directrice exécutive Designer/Conceptrice graphique Elizabeth Stone (416) 764-3919 is 100% recyclable where facilities exist. Silvie Kuppek: Rozalynd Taylor-Platt: Recyclable là où le service est offert. 10 CCCA Canadian Corporate Counsel Association SUMMER 2008
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