Page 28 - CCCA 247020 Magazine Spring 2016
P. 28
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lAWYers With
business ACumen
By Jennifer Lewington
When Amgen Canada, a major biopharmaceutical com-
pany, assigned its top management committee last year
to oversee a three-year strategic plan to guide its future,
Director and Senior Counsel ryan Lennox was among
those named to the team.
he was tapped for his legal expertise, of course, but for
something else too: his grasp of business issues. With
some of Amgen’s long-lived patents expiring for the frst
time in its 25-year history—and its new patent-protect-
ed medicines coming on stream in the next few years—
the company turned to top offcials for a roadmap,
as Lennox puts it, “to get us from now to the future.”
28 CCCa MaGazInE | SPRInG 2016 PRInTEMPS