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CCCA in ThiS iSSue…
Summer 2019 ÉTÉ | Vol 13, no. 2
is published quarterly by
14 The Case for hiring Diverse Lawyers: how in-house Counsel Can
attract Diverse Talent
CAnAdiAn CorporATe CounSel ASSoCiATion
l’ASSoCiATion CAnAdienne deS Diversity and inclusion are about building a culture where each person feels valued and
ConSeillerS(ÈreS) JuridiQueS d’enTrepriSeS their ideas are heard. The result is understanding and meeting the needs of diverse clients
while fostering innovation and growth. So how can legal departments promote diversity and
1210 – 20 Toronto Street
Toronto, ON M5C 2B8 inclusion in the workplace and become leaders in their organizations? By Julie Sobowale
Tel: 416-869-0522
Email: 20 Legal Departments as Champions of inclusive Language
Mike McKinney: Many of the best practices around inclusivity relate to language. Inclusive language sends
a signal to employees, potential employees and clients that all are welcome. as in-house
EXECUTIVE EDITOr / rÉDACTrICE EN ChEf counsel, you have the opportunity to set an example for other departments while adding
Lynne Yryku: value to your own. By Karen Sadler
Karen Sadler:
ADVErTISING / PUBLICITÉ 25 no one Knows how Toilets work
Brian Trotter: a critical, but often overlooked, part of leadership is creating a culture where effective
DESIGN / CONCEPTION ArTISTIQUE communication fourishes. What gets in the way? It requires both a good transmitter and an
hume Media Inc. open receiver. unpack why people think they know more than they do and how you can change
their mind. (Short answer: you need to get people to explain their understanding of, not reasons
EDITOrIAL BOArD for, their position.) By Chris Graham
Olumide Adetunji
Marianne Bolhuis
Graeme Deuchars
Sébastien Guénette
Wendy King ColumnS depArTmenTS
Laurie Macfarlane
Sarah McKinnon 4 from the editor Companies with vibrant 6 Mental health approach each new
Michael rothe diversity and inclusion initiatives have highly person and experience with kind curiosity
Yasmin Visram
engaged people. In-house counsel can play and openness. You will have deeper
COVEr PhOTO / PhOTO DE COUVErTUrE an important role to foster such a culture. connections, learn a lot about yourself and
Monique de St. Croix others, and create a culture where everyone
ISSN No. 1913-0562 5 from the Chair With his year as Chair feels like they belong. By Wendy Lund
Publications Mail Agreement No. 42929530 coming to a close, Mike refects on the
return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: amazing conference, the interesting people 9 an expat Perspective Gender diversity has
Canadian Corporate Counsel Association he has met and what the future may hold. come a long way in Canada and in Mexico,
1210 – 20 Toronto Street where this author is now based. We should
Toronto, ON M5C 2B8
8 Legal Performance engagement happens be proud of our successes—but remember
when you can see yourself and your views there is still a long road ahead to achieve
All rights reserved. Contents may not be reprinted refected in those making the decisions in equity for all. By Patricia Osoko
without permission. The opinions expressed in articles your organization. It takes focused effort and
are not necessarily those of the publisher. Information
presented is not legal advice and should not be relied commitment to make it happen, says this 13 Legal innovation The KaIrOS Blanket
upon as a substitute for review of your specifc situation in-house counsel, who has experienced the exercise was challenging but enlightening
with legal counsel. Every effort has been made to best and the worst. By Theodore Dela Avle for this author. It strengthened her belief
provide accurate information; however, the publisher that a deep understanding of Indigenous
assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions.
10 Profle: Leola Pon Being GC at an history and legal traditions is essential to
Tous droits réservés. Le contenu du magazine ne organization as large and in the public practicing from a place of cultural sensitivity
peut pas être reproduit sans autorisation. Les and awareness. By Abigail Cheung
opinions exprimées dans les articles ne sont pas eye as the Toronto District School Board
nécessairement partagées par l’éditeur. Le contenu has its unique challenges and rewards.
du magazine ne constitue pas un avis juridique et Leola shares her experiences as a legal 38 inside edge There is an urgent need to
vous ne devriez pas vous en servir pour évaluer votre and diversity leader, and the importance of tackle the growing global challenge of
situation particulière. Nous avons tout mis en œuvre
afn de fournir des renseignements exacts. Cependant, balancing her priorities. By Lynne Yryku mental health. Though it can ruin lives and
l’éditeur n’assume aucune responsabilité en cas damage families and communities, it is
d’erreurs ou d’omissions. rarely discussed. But that is changing with
30 CCCa news Highlights from the 2019 CCCa
National Conference and the CCCa award new voices, research and treatments.
winners. By Craig Kramer