Page 7 - CCCA 295084 Magazine_Summer 2019
P. 7
{ MenTaL heaLTh }
“ Te lesson is how important it is to show up
and be present with the person in front of
you. Being able to share your knowledge and
experience—and have it heard—is integral to
cultivating a culture where everyone feels like
their story, history and learnings matter.
As lawyers, your brain has been trained Mindful listening is a skill that requires opinions and listen carefully and openly
to be critical. While this may be integral practice and patience. An easy way to start to them. At the same time, bring aware-
to your performance, it can spill over into is to observe yourself in conversations ness to your default mode of thinking.
how you think about yourselves, feeding over the next few days. How long can you In short, you don't need to know ev-
the self-critic and contributing to mental stay focused on what a person is saying erything about wine to enjoy and appreci-
dis-ease. When we practice thinking re- before your mind begins to wander? Are ate a glass. You simply need to be open to
fectively about how we engage with oth- you quick to jump in and offer advice or appreciating the nuances that the glass in
ers in our workplace, we are more likely to do you give the person space to fnish? Are front of you is offering.
appreciate each other more fully. you already considering your reply before Similarly, what we need most to en-
they have fnished talking? sure everyone feels like they belong is a
Takeaways Don't be too hard on yourself. We culture that operates from a kind curios-
The lesson we can learn from the guided could all be better listeners. ity about what each unique person brings
imagery above is how important it is to In addition, you have probably heard to the workplace. Just imagine the possi-
show up and be present with the person about cognitive biases. They are systematic bilities if we all met one another with the
in front of you. Being able to share your errors in thinking that happen when we are same mindset we bring to enjoying a fne
knowledge and experience—and have it processing and interpreting information. glass of wine! ❚
heard—is integral to cultivating a culture They are often the result of your brain sim-
where everyone feels like their story, his- plifying information processing, which can
tory and learnings matter. predispose us to receiving, perceiving and Wendy Lund is CEO/Founder of Wellth Manage-
ment (, a frm that works
Unfortunately, we often confuse hear- reacting to those around us in ways that do collaboratively with organizations to help redefne
ing with listening. Hearing is a passive not support diversity and inclusion. wealth and foster psychological safety and wellbe-
process for the brain, while listening is Such biases are a normal part of the ing in the workplace. With more than three decades
active. It requires far more energy but is human experience and are hard to spot in of experience as a Health Studies Professor, Wendy
critical if you want to truly see and under- ourselves. To help you remove ones that understands the biology of stress and resiliency.
Her vision is to help others redefne wealth in their
stand those in your workplace who do not are barriers to inclusion, surround your- workplace and lives, which she shares as a speaker
share the same privileges you may enjoy. self with people who will challenge your through workshops and in print.