Page 6 - CCCA 295084 Magazine_Summer 2019
P. 6
{ MenTaL heaLTh }
unCorking A memory
By Wendy Lund, RN, BScN, MSc in Mindfulness Studies
Imagine you are sitting in an upscale restaurant. You had made Imagine if we could cultivate our expe-
reservations to eat there months ago and today is fnally the day! You riences with the diverse people in our lives
with the same care and mindful presence
are greeted at your table by the house sommelier. You immediately that we know we are capable of bringing to
feel at ease because this professional is here to guide you. the frst sip of an unfamiliar wine. It's pos-
sible to do so with a mindfulness practice.
ou take turns asking questions about colour, clarity and bouquet. The somme- The Finish
each other's knowledge of and expe- lier explains how to read the size of the The aftertaste, or fnish, is a term that refers
yrience with wine. The sommelier lis- tears or legs that the wine leaves on the to the favours that stay with the mouth
tens attentively, not evaluating or judging sides of the glass. They talk about where after we swallow the wine. It is as much a
what you share, but openly curious about the grape came from and the year it was part of judging a wine as the initial taste.
what you know. More importantly, they are harvested. The more you know, the richer From a mindfulness perspective, we could
looking for gaps that may exist with respect the wine and the experience begin to feel. consider the fnish to be the memories we
to your knowledge about wine so that they You are not judging this history; you created in connecting with another person,
can create a rich new experience for you. are simply curious about how all of those which were made possible by the frame of
You, too, are mindfully listening to things infuenced this vintage. You are mind we brought to the experience.
what they have to say, innately trusting paying attention to this wine in this mo- It would be diffcult to prove empiri-
that their education and background will ment without judgment. cally, but surely the experience of sharing
beneft your experience this evening. You It's very likely that you will appreci- that occurred between you and the som-
let go of being the expert and make space ate the wine, even if you do not love it. melier prepared, infuenced and trans-
for this stranger to share who they are and Your exchange with the sommelier has formed your tasting experience.
what they know. Your mind is wide open you invested in it regardless of how your
and receptive. taste buds react. Your connection to the refection
Without effort or explicit agreement, wine, before even tasting it, is satisfying Refection is the fnal step in wine tasting.
you connect with this stranger and ea- enough. It is a valuable lesson about ap- Did the wine taste balanced? What were
gerly share what it is you know and do preciating something even if you do not some of the predominant and subtle char-
not know about the wine this establish- like or agree with it. acteristics you were left with? What was
ment has to offer. You do not let any This is a fundamental principle we memorable about this wine?
preconceptions about which wines are need to bring to our work in the areas of Refecting on how we move through the
best prevent you from fully engaging. In diversity and inclusion. It is the result of moments in our lives is an important part
mindfulness theory, this is what we call a small but transformative exchange be- of a mindfulness practice. This is when we
the beginner's mind. tween you and a stranger, where you con- consider our actions in a way that supports
The wine is delivered and you push nect with the beneft of a beginner's mind. moving towards our best self. We must be
away any other concern (your to-do list, You both come with the intention and open and curious—like when we initially
your inbox, what the kids have on the go). motivation to be open to learning about approached the wine—and allow a gentle-
You are fully present as you consider the each other's knowledge and experience. ness and acceptance about the self.
6 CCCa MaGazINe | SuMMer 2019 ÉTÉ