Page 8 - CCCA 295084 Magazine_Summer 2019
P. 8

{ LegaL PerforManCe }

From Being There To Being pArT oF iT

By Theodore Dela Avle, CIC.C

recently saw a list of “most engaged” not have been initially evident to me why in an offce of literally hundreds of pro-
places to work; my company was on it. an engineer in the design group would or fessionals, with several interns coming
i I refected on whether I was “en- should have an opinion on what might through each summer, a young Black man
gaged” as in-house counsel and I conclud- seem an obscure contractual provision, was still an oddity.
ed yes. But there have been points in my once I understood it affects how she does The folks at the frm were actually
career when I probably would have said, her work, that insight helped me provide great people, some of the most forward-
“Not so much.” advice on how we should procure certain thinking you could ever meet. When I
I thought back on those times when I services for the beneft of that group. recounted the incident a few days later,
didn’t feel so enthusiastic. Although far Beyond active participation, feeling there was much consternation and genu-
from unhappy, I was simply “being there,” included can also sometimes be an issue ine distress about what had happened.
doing my job. Engagement came when I felt of whether you see yourself (and, poten- They wanted to know which receptionist
“part of it” and was actively participating. tially, your views) refected in those mak- had made such a disparaging comment.
As in-house counsel, we like to have a ing decisions that affect you. If you are in It took many conversations before some
seat at the table, and I fnd those of us on the minority, whether that be on a physi- people understood the identity of the
the corporate side, in particular, tend to see cal or less visible basis (an opinion, for person was not really the point. In the
ourselves as business partners who hap- instance), the feeling of not feeling rep- next hiring cycle, there were defnitely a
pen to be lawyers. As such, we enjoy being resented can range from a minor discom- few more visible minorities, but I have
included at the outset of critical business fort to genuine disquiet or worse. no idea whether any stayed on or not. I
decisions, instead of being brought in to I have been to many conferences for had moved on.
paper over decisions made without our in- lawyers where I was one of only two or Refecting on the list of engaged places
put. We want to be “part of it.” three people of colour. Typically, it would to work, I understand why we made the
The reverse is also true and important. be a simple observation, and given my list. A look at our cafeteria at lunch time
Sometimes it is easy to end up in an ivo- empowered position—I am a practicing looks like a veritable UN conference room:
ry tower, dispensing advice from above. in-house counsel representing a large, people from all corners of the world and
However, without really engaging with successful entity—it would not generally of all ages eating together. When it comes
your clients, you are unlikely to achieve affect my behaviour. to engagement, optics matter. People
meaningful results. However, in a different context, my must see themselves represented before
I have found the best results come feelings are stronger and can prevent en- they can feel part of it.
when my clients (my business partners) gagement. I remember one time when I The challenge for me, or any in-house
are engaged in issues. I get this engage- showed up for my frst day of an intern- counsel or lawyer, who feels “part of it” is
ment when I seek their views to under- ship and the receptionist helpfully told to ensure that we push to improve that
“ When it comes to engagement, optics ” with us “be there” in the frst place, so they
stand an issue. For example, while it may me delivery was a foor below. Apparently, engagement. Our being “part of it” should
be used to help more people who identify

too can become “part of it.” ❚
matter. People must see themselves
Theodore Dela Avle is Senior Legal Counsel at
represented before they can feel part of it.
Bruce Power, where he is engaged in law and diver-
sity. Reach him at

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